Thoughtful Holiday Perks: 3 Team Incentives to Show You Care

In addition to a BANG UP year-end party, there are many other ways to use the “giving season” to give back through thoughtful holiday perks and team incentives. The key is taking a seasonal theme, current trends or the latest company happenings and leveraging these into thank you’s which are relevant and resonate with your team. Here are three timeless opportunities for you to show your team you truly care this holiday season.

1. Turkey On Us

If you have ever hosted Thanksgiving, you know that the turkey and all the fixings are a significant investment. Consider giving members of your team a spot bonus or a Whole Foods coupon for a Thanksgiving turkey. Ensure you provide at least two weeks' notice so they can plan in advance for the holiday. Personalize the message accompanying each coupon to highlight a key accomplishment for each team member. Package this presentation with a professional flourish through a branded, creative surprise announcement, such as a video email from the CEO. Let everyone find their coupon hanging as an ornament on a “thanksgiving tree” to kickstart the thankful and Thanksgiving vibe.

Deep Dive: Personalized Recognition

Personalizing the recognition not only makes each team member feel valued but also reinforces a culture of appreciation and individual achievement. Highlight specific contributions, like closing a significant deal, innovating a new process, or providing exceptional customer service. This tailored acknowledgment can boost morale and motivation, setting a positive tone for the upcoming year.

2. Issue a Holiday Travel Credit

Holiday travel expenses can skyrocket, making it difficult for employees to visit family and friends. Offer your team members a travel credit or an extra paid day off to facilitate their holiday plans. This can mean the world to those with family across the country or in remote locations, allowing them to avoid higher fares and still enjoy quality time with loved ones. Collaborate with your HR department to provide a flexible hours program, rolled out well in advance of the holidays to keep operations running smoothly. For certain roles, offering two days to work remotely can also be beneficial. Employees will never forget a gift like this.

Deep Dive: Flexible Scheduling and Remote Work

Implementing a flexible scheduling or remote work policy not only helps with holiday travel but also demonstrates trust and adaptability within your company culture. Highlight success stories of employees who have effectively balanced work and personal commitments through flexible scheduling. This approach can enhance job satisfaction and retention, proving that your company values work-life balance.

3. Take a Day Off to Give

Many employees wish to give back to their communities during the holiday season but are often constrained by deadlines and business obligations. Partner with local charities and create a program that allows your employees to take a day off to volunteer or give back. This initiative can rejuvenate your team, giving them a new perspective and inspiration when they return to work. It also positions your company as a community-focused organization.

Deep Dive: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Developing a CSR program that includes volunteer days can significantly enhance your company's public image and employee satisfaction. Highlight the impact of your team’s volunteer efforts through internal communications and social media. Share stories of how their contributions made a difference, which can foster a sense of pride and belonging. Encourage employees to suggest causes they are passionate about, ensuring the program resonates personally with your team.

Looking for Creative Ways to Give Back to Your Team This Holiday Season?

Implementing these strategies can transform your company culture, boosting morale and fostering a sense of community. Need more tips or help planning your holiday initiatives? Just call us! Our event planning experts at Metavent are ready to help you create memorable and meaningful experiences for your team.

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